The ZIX Biocides agenda continues to be full of important events for the second half of 2023. We will be present at the next most important National and International Congresses and Fairs, such as:
Aviforum Carne & Incubaforum 2023, Seville, Spain, May 25 and 26, 2023.
Exclusive technical congress dedicated to the production of poultry meat, processing rooms and poultry incubation.
Central American and Caribbean Poultry Congress 2023 in Heredia, Costa Rica, from June 21 to 23, Stands 71 ??& 81
Porkcalidad 2023 in Bogota, Colombia.
On July 13, our collaborator Albert Finestra held a technical conference on the elimination of antibiotics in swine production. Consequences, repercussions, and adaptation in the swine sector of the Antimicrobial Drug Law (national plan against antibiotic resistance)
LPN Miami 2023 in Miami, United States from October 17 to 19, 2023, Stand S13.
The LPN Congress & EXPO is the meeting point for poultry farming and monogastric nutrition for Latinos and Brazilians.
VIV MEA 2023 in Abu Dhabi, UAE from November 20 to 22, Hall 9 Stand P067.
This is the international thought and food fair for the Middle East and Africa. Located in the heart of the Middle East countries.
Congress Experience 333 2023 in Medellín, Colombia. November 21 and 22.
This will be the fourth edition of the disruptive event for pig farming in Latin America.
ZIX Biocides will be present approaching its collaborators and customers around the world, presenting its latest technical innovations. This calendar will complete a great year in terms of the development of your national and international business.